Fiocruz's Internationalization Policy was built in order to structure, organize and instruct the institution's actions in international cooperation, which is part of the history of the institution, that was created when a partnership with Instituto Pasteur was carried out by Oswaldo Cruz.
The creation of an international environment at Fiocruz, covering all of its areas of activity, is seen as an opportunity to maintain the high quality of its work and reinforce its role as an institution with international recognition. Fiocruz's internationalization policy aims to stimulate the global aspect of its performance, both in activities involving foreigners researchers in the national territory, as well as the Fiocruz's researchers that go abroad for developing their cientific activities with partners in different countries.
We intend to expand Fiocruz international insertion in education, science, technology and the production of cutting edge knowledge through the creation of inclusive networking environment. With an attactive environment, we wish to bring students and researchers for developing research with a multidisciplinary view on major themes that reinforce Fiocruz's role as an institution that articulates North-South and South-South cooperation in education, science and technology for health.
The general objective of Fiocruz's Internationalization Policy is:
- Promote the internationalization of education, research, innovation through the diplomacy of international collaborations and exchanges in science and health, based on quality and ethical principles, expanding the internal and external visibility of our international activities and networks in favor of improving global health.
The specific objectives of Fiocruz's Internationalization Policy are:
- Expand the international performance of quality and with ethical values;
- Support international training initiatives by increasing the offer of courses in a foreign language;
- Ensure the expansion of the offer and the visibility of Fiocruz's international activities;
- Institutionalize the Commitment of the Units to the internationalization process;
- Improve the process of welcoming foreign students;
- Ensure the sustainability of the internationalization process.
Learn about Fiocruz´s Internationalization Policity and Report of the VIII Fiocruz Internal Congresso.