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Strategic Scientific Cooperation Program with the Global South (Call Nº 5/2019 - COOPBRASS/CAPES​)

Project to strengthen south-south international cooperation, funded by CAPES, with Mozambican institutions, more specifically with Lúrio University (UniLúrio) and the National Institute of Health (INS) to promote research networks and training of personnel, aiming at coping with infectious diseases and strengthening of national health systems. 

The program was approved for the beginning in 2020, based on mobility activities. Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, activities were postponed for almost two years. The duration of the program is 4 years. 


 Work mission

 The institutional mission was carried out on the African continent to discuss cooperation activities in teaching and research within the scope of the Coopbrass Project. The visit took place from April 11 to 15 and fulfilled a broad schedule of activities at the National Institute of Health (INS), in Maputo, and at the Lúrio University (Unilúrio), in Nampula, including a field visit to the School and Health Center, the laboratories and the communities assisted by Unilúrio, aiming to evaluate graduate initiatives and ongoing research in the country. Also, the mission had the objective to elaborate the 2022-2023 action plan. 
 For more information click here.


Selection of Fellows for Visiting Professor Abroad
Through The Selection Call 01/2022it was offered 01 (one) scholarship for Junior Visiting Professor (PVJ) and 01 (one) scholarship for Senior Visiting Professor (PVS), with the duration of 4 (four) months each. Since the coordination received only applications for PVS scholarships, CAPES authorized the selection of 2 PVS. They will perform their activities at both UniLúrio and INS.

Selection of Doctorate Students for Sandwich Scholarship
Through The Selection Call 02/2022 , two (2) sandwich doctoral scholarships were offered, lasting six months each. With the approval of only one candidate, the scholarship holder was awarded for a period of 12 (twelve) months in the INS.

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