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The Institutional Program for Internationalization of Capes, entitled Capes PrInt, financed through Public Call 41/2017, aims to:

  • Encourage the construction, implementation and consolidation of strategic internationalization plans of some institutions in knowledge areas they prioritize;
  • Encourage the formation of international research networks with a view to improving the quality of academic production linked to graduate studies;
  • Expand the actions to support internationalization in the graduate programs of the contemplated institutions; 
  • Promote the mobility of professors and students, with an emphasis on doctoral students, post-doctoral students, sending professors abroad and attracting professors from abroad and recent doctors with experience abroad to Brazil;
  • Foster the changing of the participating institutions in the creation of an international environment; 
  • And, finally, integrate other actions to promote the Capes internationalization effort.

Fiocruz's Internationalization Project, Capes PrInt-Fiocruz, was created in 2018 to compete for the aforementioned public call, having been approved with Fiocruz's programs that scored 5, 6 and 7 in the four-year evaluation. The project is structured in 3 (three) Thematic Integrated Networks, each of them with 3 (three) projects, covering 16 (sixteen) Graduate Programs, of 9 (nine) units, being from Rio de Janeiro, Minas Gerais and Bahia. The project is expected to last for 5 years, starting in 2019 and ending in 2023.

Fiocruz is traditionally recognized in the country and abroad for its importance to the development of health research, services and formation of health personnel. Thus, we have been working intensively on the perspective of integration into networks for the production of health knowledge, reinforcing education and research.

The Capes PrInt -Fiocruz Project was conceived in order to enhance the institution's already outstanding internationalization, taking advantage of the resources granted by Capes to finance the international mobility of students and teachers and to strengthen cooperation networks with renowned institutions in other countries. In this sense, Capes PrInt-Fiocruz allows us to consolidate the work that has been developed as an institutional policy, as can be seen in the documents presented in Fiocruz's Internationalization Policy.

The planned budget was an amount of R$ 26,137,895.92 and we were granted by Capes R$ 15,683,097.56 for various internationalization actions, developed in the scope of the 3 (three) Integrated Networks of the projet PrInt-Fiocruz:

  1. Integrated Network of Science and Technology for Dealing with Emerging and Re-emerging Infectious Diseases (RICEI)
  2. Integrated Network of Non- Infectious Chronic Diseases (RICRONI)
  3. Integrated Network for Countering Inequalities in Health (RIDES)

Each of these networks has its subthemes, which are coordinated by different researchers. The governance of the project is conducted by the General Coordination of Education (Pro-rectory), by the National and International Steering Committee (composed of doctors from Fiocruz and international institutions), and by the project coordinators of Networks 1, 2 and 3.



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